It’s official: Facebook has jumped into the geolocation game with Facebook Places. The question is: will Facebook’s hundreds of millions of users embrace it?
Facebook Places is a checkin service that’s quite similar to Foursquare or Gowalla on the surface — it allows you to checkin to places. What differentiates it is its tagging features, which allow you to tag friends that are with you at a location. There is also a focus on Facebook Place Pages, which house the checkin history of a given place on the web.
Now that the details surrounding Facebook’s Places platform have been revealed, we wanted to find out what you, the readers, think. Is Facebook Places something you will use? Or will you continue to use services like Foursquare or Gowalla instead?
We want to know your thoughts, so please vote in the poll below and don’t hesitate to explain or defend your choice in our comments section below!
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